Developing resilience in the legal setting
Resilience is the ability to cope with the challenges, problems and setbacks you face in life, and to become stronger because of them. It relies on different skills and draws on various sources of help, including rational thinking skills, physical and emotional health and your relationship with the people around you.
Developing resilience means overcoming from workplace setbacks. It allows you to focus on your own wellbeing by taking a positive mindset and avoiding getting overwhelmed by issues when they arise. The aim is to be able to bounce back from adversity and accept the challenges that the workplace can bring. We all have the ability to develop personal resilience and this course will help you tap into the skills required.
- Understand the definition of resilience and its importance
- Learn how to differentiate between positive and negative thinking
- Learn to challenge the way you think
- Learn useful tools to help you build resilience
- Learn to develop key Emotional Intelligence skills
- Learn how to help others to build resilience
“The presenter was effective at tailoring the programme to the attendees and carrying each individual’s goals for the course throughout and addressing each individually but effectively woven into the programme.”